Venice - top destination for romantics

Navigating the Canals of Romance

Venice, view from Academia Bridge

Photo by Henrique Ferreira / Unsplash

Welcome to "Venetian Dreams," where every cobblestone street, every arched bridge, and every enchanting canal tells a story of timeless allure. In this blog, we embark on a virtual journey through the captivating city of Venice, Italy — a place where history dances on the water, and romance whispers through the narrow alleyways. Join us as we unravel the secrets of the Grand Canal, explore the hidden gems of the Doge's Palace, and savour the flavours of authentic Italian cuisine in the city that effortlessly blends the ethereal and the eternal. Venice awaits; let the adventure begin!

How to get to Venice and how to move through Venice?

To reach the floating beauty of Venice, most visitors find themselves arriving at Marco Polo Airport. From here, a thrilling boat ride awaits, gliding across the lagoon on water taxis or the iconic Alilaguna boats, setting the tone for the magical experience ahead. Once in the heart of the city, navigating the labyrinth of canals becomes an art form. Vaporettos, the water buses, elegantly traverse the Grand Canal, connecting key points of interest. For a more intimate exploration, a traditional gondola ride offers a romantic and picturesque way to meander through the narrow waterways. And, of course, Venice is a pedestrian's paradise – lace-up comfortable shoes, for the true magic of this city, is often discovered while wandering its narrow alleys, over countless bridges, and along the serene canals, each corner revealing a new piece of Venetian charm.

One day romancing Venice

Depending on where you have stayed, the beginning of a day tour is not the same. We must start from some point...

Morning: A Grand Beginning

  • St. Mark's Basilica and Square: Begin your day in the heart of Venice at St. Mark's Square, where the resplendent St. Mark's Basilica stands as a testament to Byzantine artistry. Marvel at the intricate mosaics and ornate architecture, and if the queues allow, venture inside for a glimpse of its opulent interior.

  • Doge's Palace: Right next door, the Doge's Palace beckons with its Venetian Gothic architecture. Explore the opulent chambers, cross the iconic Bridge of Sighs, and step into the eerie beauty of the prison cells.

Lunch: Culinary Delights

  • Rialto Market: Head to the historic Rialto Market for a taste of authentic Venetian cuisine. Savour fresh seafood, regional cheeses, and the finest Italian produce. A panini or a seafood risotto in a local osteria provides a perfect midday feast.

Afternoon: Navigating Waterways

  • Canal Grande & Rialto Bridge: Embark on a scenic Vaporetto ride along the majestic Canal Grande. Admire the architectural marvels that line its banks, including the iconic Rialto Bridge, offering panoramic views of the bustling water traffic below.

  • Climbing the Campanile: Ascend the Campanile di San Marco for a bird's-eye view of the city. The panorama includes the terracotta rooftops, winding canals, and the distant Dolomite Mountains.

  • Gondola Drive: Indulge in the quintessential Venetian experience with a private gondola ride. Glide through narrower canals, passing beneath charming bridges and absorbing the city's romantic atmosphere.

Evening: Twilight Magic

  • Bridge of Sighs: As evening falls, revisit the iconic Bridge of Sighs. Legend has it that a sigh on crossing this bridge ensures eternal love. Capture the moment as the setting sun bathes the city in a golden glow.

  • Dinner by the Water: Choose a canal-side trattoria for a delightful dinner. Savour Venetian specialities like squid ink risotto or fresh pasta, accompanied by a glass of local Prosecco.

  • Stroll Along the Canals: Conclude your day with a stroll along the quieter canals. Absorb the mystique of Venice as its bridges, buildings, and canals are beautifully illuminated, creating a magical ambience.

Few tips for budget travellers and easier visit

1. Parking and Transportation:

  • Parking: It's advisable to park your car outside Venice, as the city is designed for pedestrians and water transportation. The Tronchetto Parking Garage or the parking lots at Piazzale Roma are popular choices. From here, you can easily access the city by Vaporetto or on foot.

  • Cheapest Transportation: To navigate Venice economically, purchase a Venice Card for unlimited Vaporetto rides. Alternatively, consider walking, as Venice is a city best explored on foot, revealing hidden gems with every turn.

2. Timing to Avoid Crowds:

  • Early Mornings: Visit popular attractions like St. Mark's Basilica and Square, Doge's Palace, and the Rialto Bridge early in the morning to avoid the crowds and enjoy a more intimate experience.

  • Late Afternoons: Late afternoons are also a good time to explore as many day-trippers begin to leave, leaving you with a quieter and more atmospheric Venice.

3. Dining and Drinking:

  • Eateries Off the Beaten Path: To experience authentic Venetian cuisine away from tourist traps, venture into lesser-known neighbourhoods like Cannaregio or Dorsoduro. Small osterias often serve delicious local dishes.

  • Cicchetti Bars: Explore the cicchetti bars for a taste of Venetian tapas-style dishes. Pair these small bites with a glass of local wine or a refreshing spritz for a true Venetian experience.

Architecture gems

Venice, with its rich history and unique urban design, boasts an array of architectural gems that captivate the eye and spirit. The ethereal beauty of St. Mark's Basilica stands as a testament to Byzantine glory, adorned with intricate mosaics and soaring domes. Doge's Palace, a masterpiece of Venetian Gothic architecture, whispers tales of political power and intrigue through its grand halls and the iconic Bridge of Sighs. The Rialto Bridge, arching gracefully over the Grand Canal, is a testament to Renaissance engineering, while the Ca' d'Oro, with its intricate Venetian Gothic façade, reflects the city's opulence during its maritime heyday. The modern elegance of the Calatrava-designed Constitution Bridge adds a contemporary flair to the city's timeless beauty. Each architectural gem in Venice tells a story, contributing to the city's reputation as an open-air museum of historical and artistic treasures.

As the sun sets over the labyrinth of canals, bidding adieu to Venice feels like parting from a dream. In this timeless city, where history whispers through every alley and romance floats on every gondola, the magic is not just in the grandeur of St. Mark's Square or the majesty of the Grand Canal, but in the subtle moments discovered while wandering the narrow streets. Venice, with its architectural marvels and Venetian allure, has an indelible mark on every traveller's heart. Until the next visit, arrivederci, Venice, you remain forever in our dreams.